Sunday, February 28, 2010

Star Wars, Chomsky and How To Boil A Dog summation of my Sunday, I have been fervently reading the works of Noam Chomsky, a linguist (possibly a cunning one) and social critic of the highest order. A while back I began reading his book "Manufacturing Consent" and so far it has been an absolute revelation. Other commitments have meant that it's been taking me a while to get through, well that and that fact that I can't read two pages of it without wanting to stab the nearest politician in the throat. Anyway, today I found some essays he has done on various subjects over the years. This one is on the supposed War on Terror...blew my mind.

Chomsky on the War on Terror, Dublin 2006

After spending most of today tediously applying for yet more jobs on t'internet, this evening I settled down and relaxed into a viewing of the almighty Star Wars. I think my favourite Star Wars story came from Harrison Ford who, for the entire shoot, was convinced he was making an absolute turkey and was about to fire his manager as a result. In fairness I imagine that being on that set, with aliens and 8ft hairy beasts ambling around, any other logical human would have probably came to the same conclusion...."All Wookies please report to Stage 9". Luckily for him, it turned out alright. Still, the earring he sports today is absolutely unforgivable.

So now it's late and has been a long week. I am convinced that there is a worldwide conspiracy to stop me from getting a good night's sleep. If it isn't the bird upstairs rampantly shagging, then it's the elevator door slamming shut, or the dump trucks in the morning, or the Koreans shouting outside. The worst one though is the dog across the hallway. One of those yapping little things that sounds like a squeaking wheel. My eye is twitching with every yelp...any day now could be the day!

Only joking of course...sort of.


P.S - 3 followers??? Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Amanda Blair said...

Now it's four! Yowza, how much better did your day get?!