Monday, March 29, 2010

Disappointed Dunski

Good day all.

Let me start this week by offering my deepest congratulations to some important people in my life. First, my mate Alex had a baby boy on Saturday. They named him Dylan, which I think we can all agree is outstanding name only hope is that he isn't raised to support West Ham. Second, my dear friends Adam Penney and the lovely Vicki Cole announced their upcoming wedding....finally! Congrats to you all. *Note: It's at times like these when I feel like all of my friends are all living lives fitting for 30 year olds, while I still find myself running around like a headless 15 year-old, panting with a puppy-like naivety.

It is been a slow week for myself - there's a sentence guaranteed to lose your audience immediately - as I have been struggling with one of the more lethal diseases known to However steady progress has been made in the acting world. My rehearsals for Dirty Pooh have been going very well and I'm pretty certain it's going to be a very funny piece. Got my headshots printed now and I'm sending them out to agents, managers and such. Which again, and sorry for yet more canine-based imagery, makes me feel like I'm spinning on the spot, wagging my little tail and clambering up the proverbial legs of Hollywood just to get noticed. All part of the game though I suppose.

Due to me being stricken all weekend I did alot of movie watching. The best of the bunch was "Taxi Driver". I had seen this film a few times before and never really considered it a favourite, now however it has entered that realm. I think anyone living alone in a somewhat undesirable area can relate to Travis Bickle's plight. So, as soon as I'm done writing this, I'll be heading out to shoot several pimps. No seriously...bloody good film. Also I watched "Amelie" which was equally good but for entirely different reasons. And I finally saw "Mean Streets" which I has planned to see for years, literally. Overall, I found it disappointing but Robert DeNiro's performance is something to behold. Check this clip for hard evidence:

In writing this, it has become clear that I have too much time on my hands and need a job. So, I'm off back to the grind.

Peace and Love,


1 comment:

Amanda Blair said...

Oh TB I miss you so. You crack me up!!! I need to watch Taxi Driver. And you my dear to come visit me!