Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best Films of 2011

Good morning and a very happy and prosperous New Year to you all. I myself am still in rainy, windy old England. So what better way of ringing in the new with a quick celebration of the old. Here are my top 10 films of the past year:

10) "Senna" (dir. Asif Kapadia) - A completely mesmerising documentary about the legendary Formula 1 driver (famously killed during a race). It made me laugh, cry, and marginally shite meself when watching the "Helmet-Cam" sequences. Brilliant.

9) "Rango" (dir. Gore Verbinski) - A kids film, yes. However, few films delighted me more last year. It's a classic western, but told through the eyes of a big-dreaming lizard. Features a razor-sharp script and a completely charming performance from Johnny Depp.

8) "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" (dir. David Fincher) - Masterfully directed by the almighty David Fincher, this film is bleak, gritty and absolutely gripping from start to end. Rooney Mara should get an Oscar nod too, for my money.

7) "The Guard" (dir. John Michael McDonagh) - A foul-mouthed, offensive, absolutely hysterical story of a small town policeman in Ireland pulled into a massive drug smuggling plot. Features a performance from Brendan Gleeson that is nothing short of brilliant. Don Cheadle is also excellent as the FBI agent out of water.

6) "Drive" (dir. Nicolas Windig Refn) - Despite having some very odd musical choices, it's fair share of extreme ultra-violence and a pretty thin plot, this film was executed with such perfection that it's hard not to bow down and show respect. It helps of course to have Ryan Gosling in peak form. Also, the opening sequence is one of the best you'll see.

5) "Shame" (dir. Steve McQueen) - Beautifully shot and displaying the best performances I've ever seen Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan give. It is a look at the lonely, desolate world of sex-addiction in the modern age. A quiet, dark, unflinching film. Lots of boobies too...always helps.

4) "Take Shelter" (dir. Jeff Nicols) - The criminally under-rated film of last year. It tells the story of a man (played by Michael Shannon) haunted by apocalyptic visions. As the visions get worse and worse, his loved ones become increasingly worried, but is he delving into insanity? Is he a prophet? Who knows? For the budget this was made with, a quite stunning effort.

3) "The Artist" (dir. Michael Hazanavicius) - When I saw this, I had no idea this was a silent film. So when, after the trailers had finished and the screen began to shrink, I was a little confused. I then spent the next 90 minutes with an enormous smile on my face. An absolute delight from start to finish and a massive reminder that words aren't always necessary to get your point across.

2) "Submarine" (dir. Richard Ayoade) - For anyone who read the original version of this list, ignore it. Technically this film came out in the UK in 2010, however it wasn't out in the states until 2011 so I've decided to include this in my list. An absolutely beautiful coming of age tale about a young boy growing up in rural Wales. It is hilarious, gorgeous, heartbreaking and few films have ever made me as nostalgic about my youth. To think this is Ayoade's first film as well. Bravo sir, bravo.

1) "50/50" (dir. Jonanthan Levine) - A comedy about cancer. Dangerous ground for anyone to encounter. However, this film (based on the real-life experience of screenwriter Will Reiser) was simply the funniest, most touching, poignant film I saw all year. The central performance from Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a joy to behold and if there was any justice in the world, this film would be nominated for a bucket-load of academy awards. So go and watch it. Now.

Feel free to disagree my pedigree chums.

Peace and Love


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