Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The 30 Day Challenge (In One Day)

So I saw this thing on facebook called the 30 day film challenge in which you're supposed to post a scene/trailer every day for 30 days. I don't have the patience or the inclination to keep this up for 30 days, but damnit I just cannot resist the lure of a good list, so I did them all:

Day 1: Favorite film - The Godfather
Day 2: Least favorite film - Elizabethtown
Day 3: Favorite comedy - Life Of Brian
Day 4: Favorite drama - American Beauty
Day 5: Favorite action - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Day 6: Favorite horror - The Shining
Day 7: Favorite animated feature - Spirited Away
Day 8: Favorite thriller - Seven
Day 9: Favorite musical - Mary Poppins
Day 10: Favorite foreign film - City of God
Day 11: Favorite kid's movie - The Jungle Book
Day 12: Favorite love story - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Day 13: Favorite chick flick - Four Weddings and a Funeral
Day 14: Favorite documentary - Hoop Dreams
Day 15: Favorite play adaptation - Play It Again, Sam
Day 16: Favorite book adaptation - Lord of the Rings
Day 17: Least favorite book adaptation - Hannibal
Day 18: Film that is your guilty pleasure - The Karate Kid
Day 19: Film that made you cry the hardest - Schindler's List
Day 20: Movie with your favorite actress - Closer
Day 21: Movie with your favorite actor - Taxi Driver
Day 22: Movie you wish you could live in - Alice in Wonderland
Day 23: Movie that inspires you - Swingers
Day 24: Movie with your favorite soundtrack - Pulp Fiction
Day 25: Movie with the most beautiful scenery - The Motorcycle Diaries
Day 26: Movie you're most embarrassed to say you like - Jackass 2
Day 27: Movie with your favorite villain - Leon
Day 28: Movie with your favorite hero - Rocky
Day 29: First movie you ever remember watching - Conan The Barbarian
Day 30: Last movie you watched - The Apartment



Anonymous said...

"There Will Be Blood" didn't make it?

John Byford said...

I couldn't find the appropriate category to put it in. It also has yet to stand the test of time. Saying that, it is a crime that no PT Anderson film is on this list.

Anonymous said...

"Epic film" would be the appropriate category...