Friday, April 8, 2011

Baby Steps

This week I have been fervently trying to work out exactly what to do next with my life. Yesterday I found the answer. You see, much fun as it is sitting around, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for my agent to call me, sometimes in life you've got to take the bull by the horns and, as Tom Cruise famously uttered in Risky Business, say "F**k it".

Now I have been fortunate enough to sample many pleasures through my 30 years thus far. Few however, have satisfied me as fully as writing and directing a film. From starting with a blank page, to preparation, to shooting, to editing, to having recurring nightmares about my amateur corner-cutting, the entire thing has been a beautiful experience...and something I would like to do more of. Much more.

So, after weeks of research, I finally bit the bullet and invested in a camera of my own yesterday. Can I afford it? Hahaha....of course not! Do I know the first thing about photography? Naaaaaah! However, by wielding the glorious power of the internet and making many, many mistakes I will eventually learn. Plus, it's much cheaper than film school.

Not my camera

All my equipment comes in next week, which by the way is the downside of buying stuff on ebay - you get all jazzed up, you count down the seconds, you dance around the room after being the winning bidder, you pay...and then you settle back into exactly whatever is was you were doing before. Bit crap but such is the modern age I suppose...and you really can't argue their prices.

So, once that comes in, I can finish re-shooting my first project and move on to my second, which is already proving much more difficult than I thought. Anything worth doing though is, by default, a massive pain in the arse.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Peace and love,


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