Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Reel

Here is my first acting reel. Thoughts and comments are welcome:



1 comment:

Jo Ricketts said...

Hey John! I think your reel is great! I don't know if this is what you were aiming for but the contrast of the other actors American accents and general 'American-ness' against your very London/English approach to the words of the script, goes a really long way to show off your individuality and the fact you're not just one of many actor clones.
I really hope that in that great city you're living in your dry wit and comic timing aren't lost on Mr Average! Do you have any clips of you doing anything more mainstream, more American I guess? Would probably really show off your versatility if you did. Anyways, hope you don't mind me writing this just thought I'd say well done! Jo x