Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Heroes To Humanity: #112 - Howard Marks

Born in Kenfig Hill, a tiny mining village in the valleys of Wales, the man formerly known as Dennis went on to become the world's biggest Marijuana smuggler during the 1970's and 80's. At the height of his power he was connected to the Sicilian Mafia, The IRA, The Medellin Cartel, MI6 and numerous other shady and illicit organisations.

His autobiography, aptly named "Mr. Nice", documents these events through the eyes of a charmingly innocent Welshman who, at the core of it all, didn't really fancy working for a living. The rest followed. Not once did he use violence or even a threatening word, he simply went about his business, albeit with about 27 aliases, and made boatloads of cash! The book itself is a remarkable read, detailing Howard's lavish life of an international playboy and devoted family man. A weird paradox really considering his occupation. It is triumphant, funny and surprisingly poignant. I can't recommend it highly enough - whatever your views on the legality of ganja (mine, despite not being a weed smoker, is simply that it's a plant...let me repeat, a PLANT!...end of debate.)

So here's to a simple man who bollocksed his way to a life of fame & fortune. Bravo sir.

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