Tuesday, November 8, 2011


After weeks of national, and indeed global, unrest - culminating in rioting, occupying of neighbourhoods and general disarray (see below pic) - I have finally caved in and written a new blog post. This madness must end.

Right, so I've been awfully busy lately. Firstly, I managed to snag my first ever national TV commercial. As seems to be the case in this industry, I ended up reading for about four different parts before finally getting the call putting me "on avail". If there is more pointless exercise than being put on avail, then I've yet to find it. In essence, you have "passed" the audition phase of the process, but haven't booked the job. In fact, apparently, the chances are that you haven't booked the job. Now I'm no expert but I think I see a way around this problem...hows about you just call when I have booked the f**king job and we'll eradicate the three days I'll spend pacing around gnawing at my fingernails. Everyone's happy.

Anyway, as luck would have it, I did in this case get the job. Muchos celebratos. As for the shoot itself, it was fantastic. Got to shoot for two entire days with a colossal crew, the size of which I never thought I'd see. All lovely, lovely people too. Day one consisted solely of us knobbing around on a golf course, vaguely aware that somewhere a camera was rolling. Marvelous fun. Day two consisted of much the same, but in a swanky Century City hotel. All in all it was a fabulous experience. The only downside being that I was dressed like an absolute pillock throughout the shoot, including a truly shite pair of glasses which were far too small for my face. However, I care about that not one bit. All part of the job isn't it. Speaking of which, we're not home and dry yet as far as getting paid goes. There is of course the chance that this thing will air, and air lots, and air for a long time and become a career boosting cash-cow for moi. By the same token, it could never air and I'll be as destitute as before. Fingers crossed for the former my friends. Fingers crossed.
The other thing keeping me busier than a fly's gag reflex is my second short film. For this one I have decided to actually hire a crew, actors and locations etc. By which I mean, we're trying to make an actual film, as opposed to me running around with a camera in one hand, boom mic in the other. Early on in the process I decided not to hire a producer. What a mistake. Because friends, I have been doing the producing side of things, as well as location scouting, as well as art direction, as well as casting, and frankly, it's a bloody lot of work. Not that I mind...I'd rather work all hours of the day doing something I love than spend 10 minutes back in 'construction management'...it's just a wee bit stressful. Still, I have now managed to assemble a crack team of talented individuals and I'm convinced this should be a good little flick. Of course the problem with these things is you never know until you've actually done it. A thought that keeps me awake, terrified to my very core, almost every night. There's already been plenty of problems along the way, however we're now locked in to shoot on the weekend of the 19th-20th November so watch this space for further updates on my gradual, some might say inevitable, meltdown.

I'm sure I've been doing more stuff but I can't think what off the top of my head. I'll give you a quick rundown. I almost adopted a kitten. I saw the Exorcist for the first time and absolutely loved it. Held some truly memorable auditions for my project. Made a prize tit of myself more times than usual. Creeped out everyone I came across on Halloween. Got my feature-length script read by the BBC. Danced with death. Saved a species. Explored my own body in new, varied and interesting ways, oh and tried chocolate sushi for the first time...it was orgasmic.

That brings us just about up to date. I suppose all that's left to say is a big sorry to all three (at official last count) of my fans for being away so long. I promise this blog will now be of upmost importance once again. Sort of.

Oh, and now that it's got all cold and dark and winter's closing in. Make yourself a cup of tea and have a watch of this. 'Twill warm the cockles of your heart...



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