Friday, September 23, 2011

An Open Letter:

Dear Hollywood,

Please, from the very bottom of my soul, stop re-making films from my youth. You are a town literally teeming with talent from all walks of life, all of whom with original stories to tell and all of whom I would wager can write a better film than the sodding "Wicker Man". There is no need to make sub-par versions of already great films you bunch of narrow thinking muppets!

It started (for me anyway) with The Karate Kid. Now, any kid my age growing up in the 80's rightly holds the original up as the quintessential, teenage, underdog 80's film; filled to the brim with memorable characters, a great story and a plethora of outstanding cheesy lines...."mercy is for the weak", "wax on, wax off" to name but a couple. Then you go and produce this absolute pile of gash featuring Will Smith's obnoxious, charmless little son and aging legend, Jackie Chan and don't even attempt to better the original. Indeed you just take a steaming hot poo on it's very soul. For what? A minor profit? Shame on you.

You are literally taking my childhood memories and raping them to within an inch of their life. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Total Recall, Point Break and now (so I've heard) Scarface???!!! Is nothing sacred to you people? What next? The Godfather, starring the cast of American Pie? Taxi Driver, starring Ashton Kutcher? I wouldn't mind but they're all bloody GREAT films. Surely that fact alone negates the need for a re-make.

So, for the love of all things good and holy, please stop this disturbing trend with immediate effect.


A Disgruntled Fan (with a shit-hot script)

P.S. - no more superhero films either (except Batman, obviously)

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