Monday, April 12, 2010


This weekend saw the opening night(s) of my play "Dirty Pooh". Night #1 was a bit of a let down as only about six people turned up, which was a little awkward to say the least. The low point coming when I made eye contact with an elderly couple while whipping out my "Pooh Penis" at the end. Their faces were ones of sheer disappointment, the kind of face your grandparents pull when they come home to discover you've just shat on their carpet.

However the second night was awesome. We had a much more packed house, full of boisterous folk who laughed, cheered and generally rollicked their way through the show, which really helps the old confidence. You know you're in for a fun night when, during the first "lights out" you hear people going "Ooo Ooo Ooo" (ala Jerry Springer). Fun stuff indeed. The great thing about doing a play, and this goes for any play, is the camaraderie you build with your cast. You all go through the same things on stage...if I forget a line, everyone suffers. You all go for a drink and talk about it afterwards and, coupled with the post-coital feeling of finishing a night's work, it is a very deep connection. All in all a good learning experience. 3 more weeks to go.

I promised myself I wouldn't mention the Tottenham match yesterday but....f*@&ing **** ******* ***** ***** bunch of ******* **** sucking *********** ******** *********'s!!!! Looks like our season is over now, after having so much promise for so much time. I'm seriously considering not watching football's just too painful. What saddens me most is that, with the way the Premier League is currently set-up, my team will never in my lifetime win the league. Never. Personally I think there should be a shake-up, but I'm probably just pissed off because we lost to sodding Portsmouth!

Rounded up my weekend by having a good jam session with my mate Stas til the wee hours and driving home in the pounding rain. Driving through LA late at night in the rain always makes me feel like I'm in a Raymond Chandler novel, looking for the dame who did it or the cheap hustler who knows more than he's letting on, spying the world through weary, smoke-filled eyes, wondering what a guy like me ended up doing in a town like this....whatever, it's my fantasy!

Then I got into bed (probably a bit too much detail) and watched the brilliant "Citizen Kane". As you may know, it is widely regarded as the greatest film ever made, and for me it would do well to top another couple of classics. However, it is a bloody brilliant film and a brilliant study of how savage life can be at the top.

I'm off now to find my childhood sled.


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