Monday, March 11, 2013

Revenge Of The Sith

Now, the experience of watching this film, at a midnight screening the night it came out I might add, is one that will haunt me forever. The most angry I think I have ever been at a film in all of my 32 years. In fact, so angry have I been at this film that I haven't watched it again since. Indeed, so furious was I that I literally couldn't put it into any sort of articulate form beyond aggressive swearing. It was the final straw after staunchly defending the other two Star Wars prequels. "It'll come good in the end" I thought, "Lucas must, repeat must, have an Ace up his sleeve for the last installment, otherwise how could he possibly justify the first two being so unbearably bad?"

Turns out his ace up the sleeve was Darth Vader screaming "Noooooo" at the top of his lungs. Not the saviour I was looking for.

So, you can imagine my delight when stumbling across this review online. With just a few logical questions, this bloke completely tears apart George Lucas' 'masterpiece'. I highly suggest, if you've got a spare half hour, you watch this. Genius.


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