Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Erection Day

Today is Election Day here in the States and for the first time in my entire history I find myself a nervous, shivering wreck. God, if you are up there, I beg you with all my heart and soul not to let Mitt Romney win this poll and reap damnation upon us all.

I used to think all politicians were the same, simply slick corporate mouthpieces with nothing on their agenda further than becoming deludedly powerful beyond measure, furthering their fame and creating a 'legacy' for themselves (most often by heaping misery on other, less important parts of the world). However, this time around I now know that to not be true. On the one hand you have Obama, a man who - judging by his policies - actually cares about his people and this country's future, both morally and legislatively, and on the other you have Romney. A fucking lunatic.

Not the most balanced argument I've ever made but this time around, for the first time, I am sitting through an election that has tangible issues which would affect my own personal life (along with everyone around me) quite drastically if they went one way or the other. More than that however, the precedents that would be set if Romney wins and fulfills his campaign promise(s) would plummet this country into the beginnings of real fascism. An actual, explicit "do this or we will jail you" state of affairs. The implications of these agendas are too terrifying to imagine, thus it is my eternal hope that a good, noble man is given four more years to do his bidding. No he's not perfect and yes he is still a politician but given the alternative, he has, in my eyes at least, now been promoted to defender of all things righteous and, more importantly, SANE.

For the love muffins and bagels, please everyone get out and vote. I can't, but for the first time in my life, I really really wish I could.

Peace and love,


1 comment:

Miles said...

Great Post John. Much love from the Harvard-Westlake community. come by and visit!