Saturday, July 9, 2011

Russell Brand: Love or Hate?

This is my pointless exercise for the day. The jury's out, what's the verdict? More importantly, who gives a sh*t?:

Reasons to Hate:
* Shagged Kate Moss (Mind you, who hasn't these days? I know I have...a lot.)
* Get Him To The Greek
* Married to Katy Perry
* Hop
* Not half as delightful as he thinks he is
* Rather obnoxious at times (see: Craig Ferguson appearance)
* Sachsgate (although I did laugh at the time, but I am not a good moral yardstick)
* The above picture
* Gets to Sleep with Katy Perry
* After posturing as a risque, counter-cultural icon for his early career, now just participates in Hollywood tripe (see: Hop, Arthur, GHTTG etc.)
* Has probably seen Katy Perry's Boobs
* Supports West Ham
* Gets more birds than me

Reasons to Love:
* Can be side-splittingly funny (as proven by his show at Hollywood Forever)
* Essex Boy
* Sarah Marshall
* Radio 2 show was genius
* Met him once and he was genuinely one of the nicest blokes I've met

Fine, I'll keep liking him for now. But you're on thin fackin' ice, my pedigree chum.


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