Thursday, August 2, 2012

Anti-Social Network

Last night, I found myself in the midst of some heavy thinking. What I was mostly thinking about was what an absolute revolution the internet has been in the past 10 years. A friend and I were chatting and trying to remember life before the internet even existed and frankly it was very (very) hard to do.

However, there was a time when I had no idea what the internet was. I remember my first time on it and trying to negotiate this brave new world, like a newborn dear stumbling and shaking my way through my first steps. Of course, as soon as I could stand, metaphorically speaking, I went straight to porn and the true purpose of the 'information superhighway' was revealed.

Since then the internet has, of course, only grown and become an integral part of our existence. Even more so with the birth of social networking. A fad which I am now massively suspicious of for many reasons which are too plentiful to go into here. However, as a result I have decided to abandon all social networking. This will probably begin in earnest next week but I'm interested to see what life without facebook, twitter etc will actually be like. It's weird, I'm breaking out in a kind of cold sweat at the thought of no longer being 'plugged in'. However, this is a move I'm determined to try so we will see how it goes. Results will be posted here.

I just realised that I wrote this post as if anyone actually cares. Of course they don't. Haha.

Peace and love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I care.
