Now again, while I appreciate that there is alot worse ways to make a living, I made myself a promise and that promise was never to work in an office environment again for as long as I live. Foolish? Perhaps. Unrealistic? Maybe. Self-Righteous? Absolutely. I have absolutely nothing against people making a living in an office or indeed people who enjoy that type of dynamic. It's just not for me.
And, you see, the reason today has been such a revelation is because I realised that throughout my entire life I have always seemed to settle on the easy option. It's been this way since as far back as I can remember. All my school reports used to read "Could do better" or "Does just enough to get by" or "Lazy little prick". This trend has continued into every facet of my adult life but the area where it has most affected me has been my career, or lack thereof. As I sit and think of all the hours I have spent in jobs which I have loathed to my very core I think "what the f**k was I THINKING???" I want to go back in time and punch myself. Never, not once, I have been in a job where I coveted it in the slightest, thus creating a situation where seeing as I didn't want it in the first place, why bother putting any effort into it?
Well no more my friends. I said to myself fuck that! Mediocrity and Banality (© Bill Hicks) are no longer on the menu. This is the time for finally growing a sack and getting what I want out of life, not just eeking through it as usual. So with that in mind, I quit. Thus putting me back at square one, which is absolutely fine by me. If it doesn't work out, I'll just get addicted to heroin or become a rent boy, or both. The opportunities are endless.
All it takes is a great deal of hard work and a little slice of fortune. At least that's what TV and Films have led me to believe. So here's to throwing caution to the wind and getting in the fast lane to poverty. See, this is why listening to Rage Against The Machine at work is not a good idea.
Peace, love and a big fat middle finger to the man.
Dear John,
Whilst I have been reading your blog daily with great interest, I feel it is my duty as a mate to comment. You are one of the moaniest grumpiest bastards I have ever known. I am going to send $10 in the post, go get a girl with it to make you happy for 5 minutes. And stop over complicating life.
Rant over
Well that's great but who the fuck are you?
Good for you! Life is too short to waste it to doing something you hate. Who cares if you're poor?! At least you'll be happy. It's brave to set out and seek out what makes you happy instead of going down the path society sets out for you. Bravo TB! So I say move back to London and be poor and happy with me! There's plenty of heroin in London :)
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