So it has been another busy week. Yesterday I landed a job with a non-profit organisation, which means that as of Monday I will be one of those annoying people trying to stop you (yes, you!) on the street and seductively coerce you into handing your hard earned cash over to some poor brown people somewhere else in the world. It is actually an ideal I do strongly believe in, the hours are good and I'll get a nice t-shirt tan so I can't complain. I am also interested to see what tirade of abuse I can get out of people (and I will be trying).
Also, I got cast in a play as...wait for it...Winnie The Pooh! Not the Pooh as you know and love, but an x-rated version of the beloved bear. It's actually quite funny and all good experience for the future. I also shot a student film this week which went well, this being despite the fact that I thought I was playing one character only to turn up and find out I was playing someone else entirely - cue lot's of furrowed brows, sweating and trying to remember my bloody lines. I auditioned for a TV advert which would have been a hefty paycheck, but I got there and the first thing I read on the sides were "In comes a man, late 30's to early 40's". Being that on a good day I look like a well-heeled 17 year-old, I reasoned this one might not go my way. Still, a certain freedom comes from not thinking you're going to get something and it ended up going really well. After chatting to the director and the casting director for a bit, we decided that I should do it in a "John Cleese Style", which I happily did. And I didn't mention the war!
See, while these all may be little victories, if even victories at all, if you keep putting yourself out there, things might happen. My point is there are hundreds of reasons not to do something but, in the words of a famous corporate, third-world pillager of epic proportions....just do it. Know what I mean?
Anyway, for anyone who didn't see it, last night's South Park was superb. Hopefully a sign of a solid new series to come.
And one more thing, if anyone knows of any good new music for me to listen to, I'd appreciate any recommendations.
mate download Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius pips new album. Its very good, the lyrics are superb. Also Two door cinema club. Again a very good album.
Thanks Mr. Penney. I will check them both on on my Spotify. Speaking of which...how good is Spotify???
Are you working for green peace?! I did that, it was hard man but I bet you're really good at it. ALso now you actually live up to your nickname, it's like fate!
p.s. Yes I'm catching up on your blog that's why you'll find 50 comments from me today :)
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