So, it's a new year. A fresh start. Forgetting all the sins and imperfections of the past and turning over a new leaf. A time to clear out, shape up and hop to it with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.
"No Innuendo Intended"
It's funny isn't it, but at the end of last year (i.e. a few days ago) you couldn't have paid me to do anything productive. I mean, I worked here and there but overall I decided to just relax and enjoy the Christmas period as best I could. It ended up being a most pleasant yuletide, despite having to attend said job on occasion. It even rained for me, which I was most delighted with. Yet not a single solitary moment of inspiration came my way.
Cut to now, 2011. The new year, the land of hope and opportunity, and here I am laying out plans for the year, working till all hours writing and sharpening my skillz (with a "z", bitch) and being flooded with idea after idea. Thus proving that, for some humans at least, the fact that everything moves in cycles is a good thing. I am feeling nothing short of giddy with excitement for the prospect of this upcoming year. I am a lemming, I know.
If all goes to plan, which of course it will, then this year should be a good one and by December I should look like Brad Pitt, have Kelly Brook up the duff and be touted as a hot favourite for an Academy Award. Simple really.
"Just looks right doesn't it?"
In the meantime though, it's back to the grind of finishing my film, selling some scripts (hopefully) and getting my act speeding along the road to prosperity. No more ballsing around. It's time to get paid.
Oh, I feel all "gangsta rap".
P.S. - RIP Pete of the finest actors ever.