It's been all go on this side of the coin lately. The first big piece of news I've got is that my first ever film, the almighty "Lying Next To Larry" , made it to Cannes! Yes, as in the Cannes Film Festival. Yes, as in the one in Cannes where all the films get shown. Yes, the one where this happens.
So I am well chuffed about that. You never know what might happen.
Also, another great weekend of Dirty Pooh action was had. Our Friday crowd was absolutely epic, the place was packed to the rafters and we received a standing ovation - a first for me. To say it was a good feeling would be grossly undermining the trouser tent I had pitched when it happened. My ego was running wild that night let me tell you. Saturday was equally as fun and I really can't stress what a pleasurable experience the whole thing has been (aside from all the backstage 'divorce' jokes that are becoming commonplace).
This week I started shooting a short film too, which again was a most enjoyable experience. Film acting is a completely different animal to theatre acting. It's bloody hard and I fear I might have done a crap job. We've got a few more days shooting, and several more lengthy dialogues for myself, to redeem the situation. I'm probably just being paranoid though. Interestingly enough, after viewing about three seconds of playback on set, I think I can feel myself going down the Johnny Depp route of never watching anything I'm in. It is FAR too cringeworthy every single time. I'm not an insecure person (STOP LOOKING AT MY NOSE!) but I can't help but shudder at the sight of myself on film. Awful sight. Hopefully though in the future I'll have lots of high value bills to wipe my tears away with.
In other news, the NBA playoffs are as predictable as ever. Honestly, let's just scrap the seven game yawn-fest and just have one-match knockouts. That way there's a chance that a shite team might win and it would be infinitely more watchable than it currently is, and I'm saying this even though my underdog team, The San Antonio Spurs (purely because their name is Spurs) are winning.
Speaking of Spurs, big week for the yid army. If we win our last three games, we qualify for the Champion's League for the first...time...ever! I can hear any Americans reading this thinking..."Bovverd?" but trust when I say that it's a f**king big deal.
P.S - If you tell me, I'll hunt you down and kneecap you.
One last thing...the first 33 seconds of this clip made me cry with laughter for about 20 minutes yesterday. If anyone can explain why, I will consider you a soulmate for life.
Peace and love,